Venezuelan Health Minister Henry Ventura stated only 320 local doctors have left the country in six years. He added that most of them have emigrated to take postgraduate courses and intend to return to the country.

During an interview with TV show "Diálogo con..." (Talking with...) aired on TV private channel Televen, Ventura refuted the figures disclosed by the Venezuelan Medical Federation (FMV) on mass emigration of doctors.

"15,300 (doctors) have not left the country in six years, (but) 320. Most of them (traveled abroad) to take postgraduate courses and return later (...) Everything (President of FMV) Douglas León Natera says is not credible," the minister stressed.

Further, the official explained that should the FMV numbers be true, the Health Ministry would be aware of the situation, since every time a doctor leaves the country, he must complete legal formalities at the local Health Regulation Office and the Foreign Ministry to have his university diploma apostilled.

El Universal